Structure discussions
It can be a difficult task to keep the discussions moving forward and organized. It can be hard to keep everyone in the meeting to pay attention or to make them stay on task.
An easy way to deal with this problem is that you can make rules prior to the meeting and make sure everyone knows the rules before the meeting starts. You can send out an e-mail or memo regarding the meeting rules and etiquette with the agenda. Such rules can consist of only letting one person speak at a time or letting each person talk at least once before others make second comments or suggestions.
Deciding on the rules before the meeting and figuring out what will happen if the rules are broken will make it easier for the meeting leader to keep everyone on track, and will come off as enforcing the group's rules rather than your own.
Having a discussion during a meeting |
Another important thing to remember is that make sure everyone gets a chance to state their opinion or speak at the meeting. A meeting leader's job is act as a referee during the meeting and make sure everyone is treated equally and fairly. A meeting leader should let the conversation flow and let opposing sides state their opinions. The final outcome on such debates should be that everyone agrees. To make everyone agree, try to find common ground between opposing sides and make them both compromise to come to an agreeable solution.
Here's a a short video I found that is an example of a bad meeting, if you've been keeping up with my blog then your meetings should not look like this:
If you have ever disagreed with something during a meeting, let me know how you dealt with it as a group in the comments below.